Cordial Rule #1 of cosplay: make sure you can goto the can!
Straight Pride Parade – hear it’s going to be called the Incelebration
“you are the big daddy of this patty”(/Hamburger joke)
“I believe the President” from a Republican means “I don’t care what the President does. He can rape, pillage, and steal, and it’s all fine as long as I keep my seat during the next election.”
Well, I’m curious. Israel gets much more aid money from the United States and Netanyahu has been indicted for corruption. Did Trump also withhold aid from Israel or is he only interested if the name is Biden?
“In his first 869 days as President, Donald Trump said 10,796 things that were either misleading or outright false, according to The Washington Post’s Fact Checker. Do the math and you get this: The President of the United States is saying 12 untrue things a day.”
Cheetos july 4 rally == “A day of vanity” is about the best description I’ve heard yet.
“I’ve know Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. A lot of fun to be with. It’s even said that he loves beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” -Donald Trump 2002
” keep your rosaries off of my ovaries”.
“Its in battle Mode!”
aka one of his friends who would benefit from it whispered in his ear == “thinking about it”
being inside a robot; what every man dreams of
The person that changes the names on office doors in this administration definitely has job security.
if cheeto the douchenozzle is such a good dealmaker, how come he has to pay 150K for sex?
Following a whistleblower complaint allegation that the White House sought to hide a transcript of President Trump’s call with the president of Ukraine, insiders say officials also sought to keep transcripts from the public of President Trump’s calls with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
President Trump told two senior Russian officials in an Oval Office meeting in 2017 that he was not concerned about Moscow’s election interference in 2016, defending Russia
When leaders are under pressure, the nature of their character comes to the fore. Are they made of sterner stuff? Do they wilt in the heat?
The draw of Bob Ross isn’t just his paintings. It’s also the way he talked. “Gotta have dark,” he said in an episode after his wife died. “It’s like in life. Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come.”
unsinkable.. as the iceberg said to the titanic… (/Tom baker)
Trump is currently at the flush-the-meth-down-the-toilet phase of his Presidency. – Andy Borowitz
I’m very curious. Why would they have to “begin the search” for another location? They claim that they looked already, and determined Doral would be the best choice. They should have all the information, including the bids, from all those other sites that they considered. Unless they were <gasp> lying, and hadn’t really considered any other place but Donnie’s rundown, stinky moneypit.
Fox News is a journalistic organization in the same way the McDonald’s is a fine dining establishment.
#ImpeachBarr and Durham are just a nothingburger, to please cheetos fragile manchild ego
you are equating trumps family separation policy, losing thousands of children , letting untold numbers of children be sold into adoption through Bethany Christian services – child trafficking BTW…to Obama temporarily separating them for their own safety..who schooled you Betsy Prince DeVos??.
“Danger, danger! There’s a fascist in the White House!” (/Lost in space Robot voice)
when some trumpturd says but hillary was leading in polls – She did win. She won the popular vote by 3 million. Polls reflect the voice of the people and that was accurate. The electoral college is who we should be polling for actual reference…
Today’s word of the term: Puerile Meaning: Showing immaturity; silly or juvenile. Relating to or characteristic of a child.
Puerile in a sentence: The puerile comments made by Donald Trump daily increases his chances of being placed in time out.
its not like OANN is really “Real” news.. more like Infowars trash Exactly, like if Alex jones fucked Steve Bannon… and their baby… would look like OANN. with a little bit of Michelle Malkin spewn on the side
nothing says im innocent then purging all people installed to make sure you dont do anything illegal
its hard to tell when you overcook purple potatoes – Alton Brown